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Goal wall shooting
The challenge is to shoot the ball within three minutes as many times as possible inside the goal. The hole left below give you 1 Point and the hole right above give you 2 Points.

Move the mouse cursor behind the ball to change the shoot direction. Hold the left mouse button as long pressed, until you reached the wisthed shoot force.

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The challenge is to throw the ball within three minutes as many times as possible in the basket.

Grab and lift the ball and move it from the front over the marked spot to the basket.

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The goal of the game is to close as many mills as possible to take the opponent pieces from the board. The player who has only two pieces or can't move his pieces has lost the game.

A player starts and placing a piece on a empty spot on the board. Then players take turns placing.

Whoever can close a mill (placing 3 pieces in a row) may remove one of his opponent's pieces from the board but can't remove any piece from a formed mill.

Once all pieces are placed on the board, players take turns moving. To move, a player slides one of his pieces along a board line to an empty adjacent spot. If he can't move, he has lost the game.

Once a player has only three pieces, his pieces may jump to any empty spots. Once that player lose another stone now, he has lost the game.

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Tic Tac Toe
The goal of the game is to place same 3 signs (a player is using a cross and the other circles) either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Each players pace his sign rotatory into a box of the playing field. Once a player has reached the goal, he has won and the game is over.

If neither player reached the goal of the game before all areas of the playing field are occupied, neither player has won.

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Real Desktop: 3 boyutlu masaüstü
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